Iran not to leave Lebanon alone in face of Israeli attacks

IRAN, Sep. 25 :– Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan’ani said that Tehran would use all diplomatic means to support Lebanon, adding, “Undoubtedly, we will not leave Lebanon alone in the face of the oppressive aggression.”

In an interview with Mehr News Agency on Wednesday, Kan’ani said that the evil and fake regime of Israel is the root cause of instability in the region, and its continued aggression and crimes in Palestine and Lebanon threaten regional and international peace and security.

Unfortunately, the pressure exerted by the US government and some of its European allies has prevented the UN Security Council from fulfilling its duties in maintaining international peace and security, as well as stopping Israel’s war crimes in Palestine, the senior Iranian diplomat added.

“Lebanon is a very important regional Arab and Islamic country. This country is now exposed to aggressive attacks by the Zionist regime. Supporting Lebanon and its nation, in addition to international responsibility, is a very important task for all Islamic and Arab countries,” he emphasized.

He added that the Islamic Republic of Iran would use all its diplomatic capacities to support Lebanon.

“Undoubtedly, we will not leave Lebanon alone in the face of the oppressive aggression of the Zionist regime.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Kan’ani referred to the visit of the top Iranian security official to Russia, saying that the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) in the visit stressed Iran’s positions regarding the need to support the process of establishing peace and stability in the Caucasus region and avoiding raising issues that could cause tension.

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