Ayatollah Khamenei’s historic speech to the region

BEIRUT :– A year of some of the most heinous crimes by the arrogant West has passed; yet, the American Pharaoh persists in showing how brazen and hypocritical it is.

On Friday, a year of international hypocrisy was exposed by the speech of the most influential leader addressing the West Asia region, who invalidated Western fabrications and lies with Quranic words: {Today those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion, so fear them not.} [Surah Al-Maid: 3]

The most important point highlighted in the speech of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution was that Islamic unity is the chief method to win the existential battle against the terrorist Anglo-Saxon enemy, which relentlessly seeks to dismantle the Axis of Resistance in West Asia. According to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Islamic world must urgently rise against the war of attrition and the fierce psychological warfare practiced by the arrogant West. His speech pushed for an all-out resistance amid the ongoing rampant political and economic pressures.

The Leader proposed a roadmap that guarantees stability in the entire region against a seditious one that destabilizes its security. Undeniably, the current battle is open, unprecedented, and may encounter many surprises; thus, we are before 2 options: either to submit or to resist and humiliate this functional colonial entity that systematically aims at controlling the riches, wealth, and capabilities of our indigenous peoples.

The resistance is not only military but comprehensive: economic, political, cultural, etc. Hence, it requires many precious sacrifices, but it serves the promising civilizational project, which the Leader has frequently highlighted, and which thwarts the disastrous imperialist project and enshrines the inherent right of people to protect their sovereignty.

His Eminence cited several verses from the Holy Quran to confirm the ideological dimension of the nation’s resistance, likening the fragile Zionist colonial entity to: {like a malignant tree uprooted from the surface of the earth, having no stability} [Surat Ibrahim: 26] as all the obvious events confirm the inevitable end of the U.S. military, espionage, and hegemonic base called “Israel.”

In the Leader’s speech, there was a serious call for unity, which empowers our people to reject unipolarity, attain liberation, sacrifice, avoid frustration, and mobilize its efficient cadres; a call to cut off the neoliberal hegemony from the region and not to turn into foolish puppets who do not dare to say: “No.”

As for Shaheed Sayyed Nasrallah (ra), the Leader described him as: “The essence of Lebanon’s virtues.” No one knew Hezbollah’s martyred Secretary-General better than Ayatollah Khamenei, who lived with him closely and tested his sincerity, loyalty, honesty, and deep faith in Islam’s just causes. His Eminence explained that the policy of assassinations can never undermine the structure of any Resistance movement. Besides, his Eminence called for thwarting the enemy’s conspiracies before it is too late.

Meanwhile, the U.S.-backed Zionist enemy is deliberately covering up its losses. Sayyed Nasrallah’s martyrdom is like the explosion of a celestial star in space; as soon as it explodes, it produces thousands of stars. This is confirmed by the ongoing heroic operations of the Resistance on the borders with the Northern occupied Palestinian lands. Despite all the painful sacrifices, a single Hezbollah fighter – from zero distance – is literally humiliating the Merkava.  These Resistance fighters have gained extensive experience in their war against U.S.-made Takfiri terrorist gangs in Syria. Furthermore, Hezbollah’s fighters are the indigenous people of the land and not usurping occupiers imported from the West.

Despite all the unlimited support it possesses, the cowardly Zionist enemy tries to appear victorious by assassinating leaders and slaughtering civilians, the Leader confirmed. The enemy has failed throughout the past year confirming Sayyed Nasrallah’s famous statement: “Israel is weaker than a spider’s web.”

“Paying the debt to the wounded and bleeding Lebanon is our duty [i.e., the Iranian people] and the duty of all Muslims,” ??His Eminence concluded, stressing the necessity of supporting the Lebanese Resistance, which stands on behalf of all the oppressed and humanity as a whole. The Leader noted that support must be given to Hezbollah financially, psychologically, and through “Jihad al-Tabyeen” [anti-Zionist media campaign] in the face of the shameful international & Islamic silence.





By Sondoss Al Asaad

(Tehran Times)

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