Leader tells Resistance Front how to achieve final victory
Coinciding with the recent victories of the Resistance Front and the enemy’s failure to achieve its goals, Imam Khamenei responded to a request for guidance on what supplications to recite in order for this Front to achieve the ultimate victory and repel the evil of the Zionist regime. Ayatollah Khamenei recommended the recitation of “Surah al-Fath,” “the 14th supplication of Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah,” and “the Tawassul Supplication.” This recommendation was stated by Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Muhammad Javad Haj Ali Akbari beside the pure grave of Martyr Haj Qasem Soleimani this Monday evening (Nov. 18, 2024) in a gathering of young people. The Leader’s official website “Khamenei.ir” has published the text of his speech below.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise God, the Front of Islam and the Front of Resistance have never been this successful, triumphant, or victorious. Thank God. Never before has the Front of Disbelief and Global Arrogance – [that is], the world-devouring US and its rabid dog, the Zionist regime – been so shamed, degraded, and disgraced. All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, that the pure blood of our martyrs and our eminent martyrs – [that is], our dear Haj Qasem, the martyrs of the Resistance Front, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, Ismail Haniyeh, and Yahya Sinwar – are all bringing us glad tidings of greater victories, God willing.
A question was raised seeking our esteemed Leader’s blessed opinion on what supplication is best for the Front of Truth to achieve greater victories under such circumstances throughout the region of the Resistance, especially in Palestine, Gaza, and Lebanon. This is the question that was raised. I looked into this and found out that our dear Leader’s blessed opinion is the following.
Surah al-Fath in the Holy Quran, which contains great tidings of victories, abundant relief, and divine assistance, should be recited. All of these are mentioned in the blessed Surah al-Fath.
Regarding supplications, it was recommended to recite the 14th supplication from Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah, which is one of the invocations seeking Almighty God’s assistance in the face of the severe oppression that is taking place. Of course, there is a part in this supplication where a name should be mentioned – the part where it says “so-and-so, son of so-and-so.” Instead of saying a name, God willing, the one who is reciting this prayer should say, “the Zionists, the US,” and the like. This supplication is a truly excellent prayer with a lofty meaning. In fact, one is seeking refuge in Almighty God from the evil of the oppressors and expects Him to fulfill His promise to help the oppressed.
Furthermore, it was recommended to recite the Tawassul Supplication. In this supplication, one is directed to invoke the holy names of the Prophet’s Household (pbuh) before Almighty God and seek help from their pure souls. God willing, through the blessing of their names, their revered existence, this reality, and their luminosity, the Exalted, Glorious God will bestow greater relief, support, victories, and triumphs on the [Islamic] Ummah and the Resistance Front out of His grace and mercy.
From this sacred place – beside the grave of the distinguished, noble martyr of the Resistance Front, the beloved Haj Qasem Soleimani – the beloved Leader’s response to the question that was raised was presented. May it serve as a source of goodness and blessings, God willing.
Along with action, military operations, and activities, prayer is always a driving force. Seeking refuge in the Quran, the essence of divine revelation, and the luminosity of the Holy Quran, as well as appealing to the Household of the Prophet (pbut), will always facilitate actions and lead to major advancements and victories, God willing.
May God’s greetings, mercy, and blessings be upon you.