Iran Inspiring Model for Oppressed Nations

Whatsapp Image 2023 02 13 At 8.32.34 Pm

Iran Inspiring Model for Oppressed Nations

IRAN – He stated,” In this glorious saga, which was modeled after the leadership of Late Imam Khomeini, the great leader of the Islamic Revolution, based on the pure teachings of the school of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), especially Hazrat Sayyed al-Shohada (PBUH), the tyrannical and arrogant system collapsed and a new system emerged which was irreplaceable in the contemporary dark world.”

Hujjat al-Islam Ashfaq Wahidi, the representative of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Schools of Thought in Australia and the Friday Prayer Imam of Melbourne city, congratulated the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution on Sunday, February 12.

In his message, he added, “The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is a reminder of the great and historical epic of the Iranian people, in which the nation praised their Imam and overthrew the Pahlavi regime and established the Islamic system.”

He stated,” In this glorious saga, which was modeled after the leadership of Late Imam Khomeini, the great leader of the Islamic Revolution, based on the pure teachings of the school of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), especially Hazrat Sayyed al-Shohada (PBUH), the tyrannical and arrogant system collapsed and a new system emerged which was irreplaceable in the contemporary dark world.”

Friday Imam of Melbourne city said,” In the 44th anniversary of the victory of the revolution, Islamic Iran is known as an inspiring model for the oppressed nations of the world, and the oppressed people of the world stand against the oppressors and arrogant people of the world based on the idea and model of the Islamic Revolution; this is the result of the efforts of the Iranian people. It is hoped that with these endeavors, the noble and strong tree of this Islamic revolution will become more fruitful day by day.”

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