Message of Dr. Mohammad Jaffer on Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal Day
Message of Dr. Mohammad Jaffer on Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal Day
Message given by principal dr Mohammad Jaffer to his students on iqbal day and advised them that great leaders gives us great message and we should read them understand them and then follow their path. Great leaderssuch as Gandhi ji, jawarlal Nehru, BR embedkar,Deen Mohammad,Raja Ram Mohan Roy,swami vivakananadan, Sri Aurobindo, Nirav cchandhuri,Vikram Seth,Amitabh Gosh,Rabindranath tagore so and so on tagore was a poet,playwright, and novelist,who won the Nobel prize in lit.in1913.national anthem is also written by him. Aurobindo isbetter known as a seer and poet. he produced more than fifty volumes of prose. Deen Mohammad is famous for his travels. he wrote in 1794 travels of Deen Mohammad. mahatma Gandhi while referring to his autobiography made statement that my life is my message it isperfe tly TRUE his life story conveys his message and his life was a sort of experimentation with truth,he.said Indians need not go after the west. Dr Mohd jafer concluded his speech with the verses of Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal and said students to be like a falcon as falcon was the favourite to dr iqbal principal also advised in hisspeech to understand great personalities and their contribution and follow their path