The only operational solution to resolve the Palestinian issue

In a situation where the Zionists have completely failed to achieve their initial goals in the Gaza war, there are different views about the future of Gaza and the developments in Palestine. In this context, the issue should be examined from a short-term view and a mid-term one.

In the short-term view, it must be said that the Zionist regime has destroyed all the bridges behind it and Netanyahu cannot hope for a future in any field. Currently, Israel is in dire circumstances, and it has been severely damaged in various fields, including the military, media, and public opinion, while within the occupied territories, the level of dissatisfaction of the residents of these areas, even the Jews, with the Zionist regime is increasing day by day.

In this situation, if Netanyahu makes a mistake and does not agree to a permanent ceasefire, he will definitely receive more blows, and if he continues his attacks on Gaza again, he will suffer a heavier defeat than before. The supporters of Israel, including the United States and the European Union, are trying to prevent this regime from attacking again because the US’s support for the Zionist regime causes cultural dishonor and the failure of liberal democratic thinking, which is the intellectual basis of Americans, and for this reason, dissatisfaction with the US’s support for Israel is increasing. The Europeans also do not want to bear the dishonor of supporting Israel’s crimes any more than this time, and therefore they are trying to establish a permanent ceasefire. Qatar is also striving in this regard, but if this does not happen, it is definitely the Zionist regime that will fail, and definitely, the collapse of this regime will be realized sooner.

But in the long run, as Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that no solution, including the two-state plan, can be effective, because this plan will ensure the survival of the Zionist regime, and as long as Israel remains in the region, there will always be insecurity and instability in West Asia. Any plan that leads to the survival of Israel is rejected by the Islamic Republic of Iran and cannot be supported and accepted as it would worsen the situation.

The only way left for the people of the occupied territories is a referendum, which was raised by the Supreme Leader years ago in a Non-Alignment Movement summit. According to this plan, a referendum should be held for all the Palestinian people, including Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Palestinians who have been displaced and have become refugees in other countries, and the future system governing the occupied territories should be formed by referring to public votes. This is how the current problem will be solved and when people vote for a government, they will definitely support it.

The ground for this action is being prepared. Today, the world is absolutely disgusted by the Zionist regime, and the issue of Palestine’s liberation has been raised as a global demand, and the Palestinian flag has been raised all over the world and people support it. The conditions that were created four decades ago when the apartheid regime collapsed in Africa are now created in West Asia. At the time of the collapse of the apartheid regime, despite the support of Western countries, the people’s resistance won, and the supporting countries of South Africa called for a referendum and everyone participated, and apartheid was destroyed in this way.

In the occupied territories, such conditions are more present than ever before, and this proposal of the Islamic Republic of Iran should be internationalized, and the diplomatic apparatus should take serious action in international forums, especially in the United Nations, and pursue this plan again. Of course, this plan has been registered in the United Nations, but it must be brought up again and put to a vote, and the world will go in such a direction that, hopefully, in the shadow of the referendum, the Zionist regime will suffer the fate of the apartheid regime and disappear.

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