Tehran, Moscow to reduce transit time from Russia to Bandar Abbas

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IRNA – Tehran and Moscow have agreed to implement plans to reduce the transit time for goods from Russia to Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas, Iran’s minister of road and urban development has said.

“In the understanding and agreement with the Russians, it was decided in the form of a multilateral agreement with other countries to reduce the transit time for goods from Russia to Bandar Abbas,” Mehrdad Bazrpash told reporters on Monday.

He explained that during President Ebrahim Raisi’s recent hours-long visit to Russia, the two countries reviewed the joint transportation projects that have been on their agendas.

Among the issues addressed, according to Bazrpash, was the ambiguities in the agreement on the construction of the Rasht-Astara railway.

Concerning preferential tariffs between the two countries, there were agreements in the past which were highlighted again, he said.

He further said that the two sides agreed to introduce companies regarding the joint shipping company. Air transport agreements were also reached between Iran and Russia, he added.

President Raisi traveled to Russia earlier this month where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss bilateral issues and the Zionist regime’s war on Gaza.

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