Stop innocents Killings and martyrdoms of Security forces in j&k Sunil Dimple to Army chief

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Dimple prayed in church on christmas for peace, normalcy in j&k state.

Sunil Dimple president mission state hood addressing the media today, has welcomed the visit and has urged the visiting army chief Manoj Pandey in J&k to give befitting reply to the Pakistan, ISI, afaganies militants infiltrated in J&k.

Dimple condemned the killing of the three innocent civilians in thanana Mandi poonch, SSP in kashmir masjid, the killings of the Col, majors, captains, security jwans and the targets killings

He urged army chief to liberate POK, gilgit, blatistan & give befitting reply to Pakistan-China for anti india activities.

Dimple has urged the visiting army chief Manoj Pandey in J&k to give befitting reply to Pakistan, start war and kill the ISI, Afaganies militants infiltrated in J&k.

Dimple offered christmas prayers to jesus christen Gandhi nagar saint mary church & greeted the people of the Christian communities on the occasion.

Dimple prayed to Jesus Crhrist to shower his blessings on j&k which is passing through a very difficult situation.

Dimple said bloodshed is no solution of any problem. On the occasion of merry Christmas, he prayed in church for peace, normalcy, communal hormony and brotherhood.

He appealed to the government of india to disclose its policy against pakistan & for the kashmir problem.

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