Rehmatan Lil Aalmeen foundation international  organised   women Empowerment/ Drug di -addiction  program 

Srinagar :- Rehmatan Lil Aalmeen foundation international(NGO) organised a  Day log awarness Programme on Women  Empowerment and Drug de-Addiction at  Islamic Educational Institute  Reshipora  Budgam
The main vision of the programme was to eradicate and reduce the drug menace from the Society and the manin focus of the Programme was to Provide knowledge to the   youth about the bad impact of drug addiction .
Also Tailoring machines were distributed among the needy and poor girls to start their  livelihood
As they  are already  skilled  but they haven’t equipment  to start their own livelihood
However on this occasion Honorable   Ajaz Ahmad Khan
Additional District Judge Budgam   was invited as chief Guest
Dr Touseef Ahmad bhat renowned Social and environmental activist  were invited as Guest of honour
Rouf Elahi  founder of Athwas group of Humanity,
Shabir Ahmad Rather
Chairman Alnoor Trust
Syed amjed rizvi
Environmental activist
Kifayet bashir
Chairman  we the Kashmir foundation
Yawer ali  budgami
 Renowned  naat Khawn
 Aga syed mujtaba
Moulna Gh Mohd Gulzar
Syed  Safvi
Mohd Aslam norul fala foundation  were Special  Guests
Dr Touseef Ahmad during his  speech  said that   Rehmatan Lil Aalmeen foundation  is the  best in the valley  as it works on grass root lavel  he also  stressed on drugs  that parents  have main important  role to  Mitigate it
He also thanks chairman shaikh firdous  to organize  such a great  Event
 While addressing the speech Sheikh Sheikh Firdous Ali  Chairman ( RAFI) said that we must take initiative  collectively who to stop drugs and it should not remain only upto speechs  only we must work on practical   together so that we can save our so
The programme was also attended by  other Guests of  senior citizens from the Society, Students from Different Institutions and other Volunteers .
During the program Speakers addressed  their speech on the importance of such Programme is the need of hour and the message should reach out to the youth and teens to educate themselves about the menace of alcohol ,drugs and substance abuse and they will share the knowledge about its bad impact within thier friend circles and indeed that may work and became a way to curb this menace.
At the end  of the program  awards  were distributed  among social  Activists
Journalists  and  blood donors  Etc.
Was given by Rehmatan Lil Aalmeen foundation international
The Medals  was also shared with persons whose contributions was highly appreciated in the Community.

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