The Conduct of Doctors in Government Hospitals: Admirable, Sometimes Disappointing,


By: Akhtar Abbas

Allah has entrusted doctors with the immense responsibility of alleviating the physical sufferings of His creation and serving humanity. This profession is highly sacred, respectable, and valued in every society. However, in today’s materialistic world, where people face countless problems, physical illnesses pose a significant challenge. Industrial progress and harmful factors have severely impacted human health, leading to changes in the roles of doctors.

The industrial revolution, while making life easier in many ways, has also released harmful gases and pollutants that negatively affect human health. A lack of physical exercise, adulterated food, chemical usage, pesticides on fruits and vegetables, and excessive use of machinery have all contributed to various diseases. Consequently, the number of patients in both government and private hospitals, as well as small clinics, has increased.

Undoubtedly, every medical expert or doctor aims to provide the best possible treatment to patients. This profession is a means of serving humanity and has always been held in high regard. However, some materialistic doctors have turned this noble profession into a means of personal gain. This situation becomes even more concerning when patients face unnecessary tests and expensive medications.

It has been observed that many doctors pay more attention to their private clinics, while their attitudes in government hospitals are different. At private clinics, patients receive special care, and the facilities are generally better. Conversely, in government hospitals, the behavior of doctors can often be disappointing for patients. Despite the fact that government hospitals now offer good facilities and doctors receive reasonable salaries from the government to provide excellent care, the lack of interest shown by doctors towards patients in these hospitals causes people to lose faith in these institutions. As a result, most people turn to private clinics. Long queues, the unavailability of doctors, and a lack of quality treatment in government hospitals are factors that dishearten patients.

Gifts and commissions from pharmaceutical companies, collusion with diagnostic clinics, and unnecessary tests are evidence that this profession is also losing its sincerity. This behavior is not only harmful to patients but also tarnishes the reputation of this sacred profession.

Despite all this discouragement, many doctors are truly dedicated to their profession and consider serving patients to be their foremost duty. These doctors perform their duties in government hospitals with honesty and sincerity. Their hard work and dedication provide excellent treatment to many patients, who return home healthy.

Government efforts to improve facilities in government hospitals and increase doctors’ salaries are indeed commendable. However, there is a need to encourage doctors to perform their duties more effectively. This requires better supervision, training, and ethical education.

The respect and status of doctors also depend on societal attitudes. When society appreciates and values doctors’ services, it encourages them. On the other hand, doctors should understand the greatness of their profession and not use it for material gain.

The conduct of doctors in government hospitals is sometimes disappointing and sometimes admirable. This situation demands that the government, society, and doctors themselves work together to find a solution. Doctors should prioritize serving patients with a deep understanding of the nobility of their profession, while the government and society should value their hard work and dedication. Only then can we create a healthy and prosperous society.

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