Supreme Leader: Holy shrine defenders’ movement saved Iran, region

Tehran  :– Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that the movement of the holy shrine defenders saved Iran and the region.

In its plot, the enemy planned to destroy the Islamic System by occupying the region and at the same time, by imposing economic, political, ideological, and religious pressures on Iran; with such a view, the movement of the defenders of the shrine saved Iran and the region, Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with members of the International Meeting of the holy shrine defenders and the Resistance Front Martyrs which was held on June 19.

He termed the holy shrine defenders as an amazing and important phenomenon and one of the manifestations of the worldview of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The presence of young people of different nationalities in the form of holy shrine defenders showed that the Islamic Revolution, after more than four decades, has the power to re-create the same passion and saga of the Islamic Revolution, he stressed.

The lofty ideals of the Ahl al-Bayt school of thought, such as justice, freedom, struggle against oppressive powers, and sacrifice in the path of truth are always followed by pure consciences, he added.

He described the movement of American university students to defend the people of Gaza as an example of the existence of clear consciences in the world.

It is important that the message of defending the shrine, which is the defense of the ideals of humanity, be conveyed to pure consciences in the world, the Supreme Leader said.

Any movement and revolution that neglects its international and regional atmosphere will suffer, just as the attempts of the Iranian nation were damaged in the constitutionalization movement in Iran and the nationalization of the oil due to their preoccupation with domestic issues and neglecting foreign interference.

Referring to the violent, cruel, and inhumane nature of ISIS and the groups aligned with it, which were formed with the arms and propaganda support of the United States and the West, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the goal of this organization was to create insecurity in the region, especially Iran, but the holy shrine defenders also neutralized this danger.



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