Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Pays Tribute to Imam Hussain (RA) on Ashura

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
After 13 Years, Mirwaiz Addresses Large Gathering in Srinagar, Urges Upholding Imam Hussain’s Mission Against Oppression

Denounces filing of FIR under UAPA on youth for observing solidarity with Palestine

Srinagar : On the occasion of Ashura , Mirwaiz Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq paid glorious tributes to Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) – the grandson of the Prophet (PBUH), the beloved son of Fatimah Al Zahra (RA) – and to his devoted companions in the battle at Karbala. He called for for the ummah to uphold Imam Hussain’s mission of defending truth and standing with the oppressed.

After 13 long years, Mirwaiz was allowed by the authorities to address the large religious gathering of men, women and youth from far and wide , on the occasion of Ashura at the revered shrine of Alam Sahib Narwara, Srinagar, which was the tradition of the Mirwaizeen on Ashura.

Mirwaiz elaborated on the tragedy of Karbala and the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RA), saying that the tragedy of Karbala is a heartbreaking incident of brutality in human history that can never be forgotten.

Mirwaiz said that Yazidiyat represents the worst in human character , while Hussainiyat signifies the loftiness of human character.


He said that standing firmly with truth without fear and in full faith and against tyranny and oppression is the essence of Hussainiyat.Elaborating he said that the shining example set by Imam Hussain (RA), refusing to bow down or submit to the oppressor, has and will continue to inspire generations struggling for justice and truth until the end of time.

On the occasion, collective prayer was offered in honour of Imam Aali Muqaam and the Martyrs of Karbala.

Expressing deep regret, Mirwaiz denounced the filing of cases under UAPA against participants in the traditional 8th Muharram procession in Srinagar , for raising their voice in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians and protesting the year-long massacre of innocent children, women, unarmed citizens and the sick at the hands of Israeli forces . Condemning oppression and supporting the oppressed is the true tribute to Imam Hussain (RA) and the martyrs of Karbala, and this is the essence of his and his companions martyrdom he added. He said that the people of J&K stand in complete solidarity with the Palestinian people .

Meanwhile, upon Mirwaiz’s arrival in Narwara, people gave a warm and enthusiastic welcome to him expressing joy at his presence in Alam Sahib Narwara after so many years .



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