Narrator Dr M.Jaffar
Principal GHSS Gund Hassi Bhat
It is praise worthy step taken by honourable education minister J&K UT that March session shall be diverted/changed into Nov-Dec session. Honourable education minister assured public, students and educationists that efforts for the said purpose are under process. Narrators view is if it happens it will be the turning point in the history of Kashmir.
The narrator of this article collected various opinions from different corners .Every educationist society members, students and parents are in the opinion that Kashmir the paradise on earth remains under a severe winter days and surrounding the valley remains snow and people of Kashmir faces troublesome problems. Meanwhile students classification starts in the month of June, evaluation process starts in the month of May-June which is considered peak study period in J&K but students are waiting for their results and shows less interest in their teaching learning process which hampers the educational scenario in Kashmir valley.
Moreover examination starts in mid March in chilly days. In examination halls insufficient heating arrangements are found. Students are unable to write answers which also hamper their merit. Result announcement starts in the month of ending June and it takes some more days which also hampers the classification of students.
It is pertinent to say the narrator of this article collected some view points and discussed the essence of both the sessions. They supported that Nov-Dec session is beneficent for students. Some intellectuals penned down the points which narrator mentioned as: One of the intellectual says the most defective point in March session is Teachers remain present in JKBOSE for evaluation purpose for the month of May-June which damages the class work of the institutions because of non availability of subject teachers. This evaluation process continues till Aug-Sept which disturbs the class work of the institutions also.
Therefore, when Nov-Dec session will be in process examination starts in the month of Oct-Nov .Winter vacation starts from 21st of December. The most considerable point is evaluation process starts during winter days neither students nor teachers nor HOI’s suffer. So Nov-Dec session is far better than March session and for the betterment of educational scenario, students benefit and smooth functioning of institutions. Narrator is expecting the suggestions shall be considered so that education in J&K shall develop and get progressive betterment for future generations.

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