Ayat. Arafi Issues Message of Condolence on Demise of Cleric

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Ayat. Arafi Issues Message of Condolence on Demise of Cleric

IRAN – In a message, the head of Iran’s Seminary expressed his condolences on the passing of Friday Prayer Imam of Damghan city Hujjat al-Islam Torabi.

Ayatollah Alireza Arado, head of Iran’s Seminary, expressed his condolences on demise of Hujjat al-Islam Torabi, Friday Prayer Imam of Damghan City, in a message, the text of which is as follows:

“To God We Belong and To God We Return”

The loss of a dedicated and tireless mujahid and respected Friday Prayer Imam of Damghan city, Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Torabi (RA) was a cause of great pain and sorrow.

His activities during the Islamic revolution, education and upbringing of teenagers and young people, serving in cultural institutions and promoting religious values are part of the efforts of that pious scholar, which will remain a memory in the minds of the people of his region.

While appreciating the several decades of scientific and practical endeavor, I offer my condolences to the family, friends and acquaintances of that scholar, especially the people and the respected Friday Imam of Damghan city. I pray to Allah almighty for their health and patience.

Alireza Arafi

Head of Iran’s Seminary

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