Arafi Writes to Christian Leaders on Israel Crimes

IRAN – Ayatollah Alireza Arafi, head of Iran’s Seminary, reacted to the crimes of the usurper Zionist regime in separate letters to Pope Francis, the leader of Catholic Christians as well as Christian leaders from Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece and the World Council of Churches.


In this message, the head of the seminaries, pointed out the continuous efforts of the Zionist regime to drive the Palestinian people out of their land, as well as the siege and sanctions against them from their basic rights, which pains the heart of every free and God-seeking person; The senior cleric calls the land of Palestine a place of peaceful living for the followers of Abrahamic religions, before the occupation of the Zionist regime.


In this letter, Ayatollah Alireza Arafi, while reminding the duty of religious leaders following God’s prophets, which consists of defending oppressed people, especially the oppressed people of Palestine, condemned the recent crimes in Gaza strip and called for any consensus, cooperation and synergy between scientists and religious leaders in this regard, he also announced his readiness.

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