Gaza: Another Karbala has started, right and wrong have once again lined up facing each other. Sayyed Karar Hashmi

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Gaza: Another Karbala has started, right and wrong have once again lined up facing each other. Sayyed Karar Hashmi

KASHMIR – The prominent sociopolitical activist Sayyed Karar Hashmi lamented the shameful silence of human rights the claimants regarding the continuous killing and genocide of Palestinians by the Zionists since the beginning of the formation of this fake and illegitimate regime is not hidden from anyone, but the severity of the mass killings and horrific crimes of this child-killing regime in Gaza and bombings is not hidden from anyone across world. In the contemporary world, nations must be united in bringing peace, development and welfare into the lives of human beings, but situations are vice versa.

He said in a press statement that today in Gaza, another Karbala has started and right and wrong have once again lined up facing each other. The Zionist usurper shamelessly and in front of everyone’s eyes, commits crimes that few people have seen in history and has turned Gaza into another Karbala, and every day we witness the brutal killing of women, men and children. He added that continued war and unrest on the global stage have affected every corner of the world and will result in more uncertainty and chaos and a dance of death.

He continued: “that it is obligatory for everyone to remove the mask from the dirty face of the usurping Zionist regime and the false claimants of human rights by correctly explaining the events of Palestine and other places unfolding bravely. History is like the bed of a river and it is constantly repeating itself.There came a time when the whole front of falsehood stood against all the truth in the desert of Karbala. History has repeated itself this time in Palestine and many are watching, those whose bellies are full of forbidden things and do not see what they should see and do not hear what they should hear, but the voice of the oppressed is a voice beyond all voices and nothing can stop it, not even the passage of time. As the voice of Seyyed al-Shahda’s oppression can still be heard.”

He added that the way international laws and UN resolutions were thrown into the dustbin by arrogant Israel, and such a dual stand against international laws are a big question mark for other nations of the world to ponder in finding an answer ?

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