Iran, India FMs discuss developments in Gaza


IRAN – Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amirabdollahian has held a phone call with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on the developments in the West Asia region and the criminal acts committed by the Israeli regime against Palestinian civilians.

The Iranian FM said in the conversation late on Sunday that India is expected to take initiatives to pursue a ceasefire in Gaza and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the oppressed Palestinians with the aim of preventing inhumane acts by Israeli occupying forces, prevalent war crimes, as well as forced displacement of Gaza residents.

The Israeli regime’s constant strikes on Gaza will further complicate the situation in the region, which may lead to opening new fronts by Islamic resistance fighters, and end up in an escalation and spillover in the region, Amirabdollahian warned.

He also informed his Indian counterpart about the progress of launching joint ventures in Iran’s southern port of Chabahar and emphasized the need for further negotiations between the two countries on this issue and other topics of mutual interest.

Minister of External Affairs of India, for his part, called the condition in Gaza tragic, underlining that his country closely monitors the circumstances in the region.

Despite all clash of interests, joint efforts are expected to be made to improve humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, he added.

According to the Indian official, New Delhi is ready to play a role in the cessation of the conflict and prevention of escalation of the crisis in line with initiatives proposed by Iran.

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