Educational System Should Be Focused on Research

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IRAN – Ayatollah Alireza Arafi was a keynote speaker at the meeting of directors and assistants of research centers of Qom seminary held in the conference hall of Dar al-Shifa seminary school in Qom on Sunday, December 10, while expressing his condolences on Fatimiyya Days (PBUH), he declared solidarity with the people of Gaza and honored The week of unity of the seminary and university; He pointed out the importance of the field of research, and said,” Along with other education and training systems, the field of research is also planned with a macro strategy.”


He stated that in the major documents, the field of research has also been taken into consideration, and he pointed out that dozens of plans related to research necessities have been compiled in the light of these documents.


Ayatollah Arafi further noted that the scientific discourse of the Islamic revolution must be formed and stated,” This scientific discourse will showcase the achievements of the Islamic seminary.”


He mentioned the secretariat for supporting researches approved by the system and said,” This secretariat has been formed in the last two years and so far, hundreds of projects have been submitted to it.”


The head of Iran’s Seminary added,” The main mission of this secretariat is to tie seminary plans to the needs of the system and the concerns of Iran’s Supreme Leader.”


He stated that the ranking of researchers has been done, and clarified,” In this plan, researchers are ranked by literature and seminary indicators and registered in the system.”


Pointing out that 12,000 people have registered in this system, Ayatollah Arafi added,” these people have sent more than 70,000 works.”


Stating that the ranking of research centers is going to be under a comprehensive ranking, he said,” Today, all 500 seminaries in Iran have been ranked with evaluation indicators in which research also plays a significant role.”


Head of Iran’s Seminary went on to say that research is the basis of many measures and added that various plans, including educational ones, should be research-oriented.”

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