Sunil Dimple appeals to PM Modi, HM Shaha, to immediately catch the militants who threatened to kill me

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Sunil Dimple appeals to PM Modi, HM Shaha, to immediately catch the militants who threatened to kill me, so that these militants may not attack our security forces, bloodshed and innocent people.
2. Dimple announced a ten lakh award who will chop the heads Hafiz sayeed, Azahar masod, laskery Toiba head.

Sunil Dimple president mission statehood jammu kashmir addressing a press conference in press club, has demanded the home minister Amit shaha, LG Manoj Sinaha, J&K DG RR Swain to immediately catch the militants who threatened me elimination of my life, which inversely is life threat to my family members also are in public figures.

Dimple said that he is not worried of his life, but the catching the militants is very much important, as they can be in jammu regions and they can harm, attack the people or our security forces in jammu Kashmir, by sending life threats militants had conveyed this message that there sleepers cells, are active & present in

Dimple announced a ten lakh award who will chop the heads Hafiz sayeed, Azahar masod, laskery Toiba head.

Dimple said he has full faith in j&k police, army, security forces and i will do & die for j&k, POK, gilgit, blatistan to make part j&k state, India.

Dimple replied to the Laskeriey toeba terrorists organization sitting in Pakistan.

He said no power on earth can stop me from my mission of strengthening j&k state and stopping bloodshed, Pakistan sponsored terrorism.

Dimple said my fight for the unification of pok, gilgit, blatistan, ladakh in j&k state, the part of india will continue. You do whatever you like to do.

He said he will continue my fight for liberation of pok, gilgit, blatistan from Pakistan to make part of j&k.

Dimple asked the terrorists to tell me where you want to meet me. Decide the date, time, place and I will come to meet you there.

Dimple said tell your country to allow me to come. I will request my Prime minister , home minister &LG to allow me to meet you people.

Dimple warned take care in the future. App ka bandobast Sarkar krr rahi, everything is ready.

He disclosed the matter brought in the notice of LG Manoj Sinaha, by his office principal secretarySh Mandeep bhandari ji, div Com jammu Ramesh kumar & SSP jammu Dr Vinod kumar and application case has been moved to registered in PP sarwal /bakshi nagar police station for further police action.

Dimple said there is life threat to my family also as my family, son his wife are also celebrities.

Dimple they need security for my residence & for me personally.

He said one PSO is not enough as I have to travel all over in public rallies, in jammu city, all districts & in j&k.

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