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Jammu : Dimple welcomes the SC verdict on the electoral bonds, says, it is a big setback for the BJP.

2. Dimple demands the CJI SC to put a check on the BJP, for misusing the ED, CBI, ECI income tax and for its vested interests.

3. Dimple said a review petition on article 370 verdict has been filed in SC.

Sunil Dimple president mission statehood jammu Kashmir has welcomed the supreme court SC , CJI historical decision verdict, on the political electoral bonds. Addressing a public meeting at janipur.

Dimple said the supreme court SC has termed these electoral bonds unconstitutional & brought this under the RTI right to information act and the voters have right to know from where the political parties are being funded .

Dimple said as per the supreme court verdict all the political parties will have to put the donations details on EC websites from 6 March to 31 march, before the parliament elections.

Dimple said the SC verdict is a big setback for the BJP who collected huge donations from ambani, adani & also for all the political parties who get huge donations in the shape of black money.

He said this will also control the corruption and the misuse of the capitalists by funding political partie,s they earn huge benefits.

He further said this is now to check on all the political parties that they will have to post the donations, funds details on the websites of the election commission.

He also appealed to the chief justice of india to put a check on the BJP, which is misusing the ED, CBI, income tax and election commission for its vested interests.

Dimple said our fight for the restoration of j&k dogra state with special status, article 370, implementation of instrument of accession conditions and unification of POK, gilgit, blatistan in j&k, will continue.

He said we have filed the review petition in SC for the return of article 370, as the j&k people are satisfied with the verdict on article 370 and there are some issues which are pending.

Dimple said the SC Supreme Court has ordered in its verdict, for the restoration and holding of the assembly election. But the BJP is afraid of holding assembly elections and delaying in the restoration of j&k dogra state.

Dimple demanded for the restoration of j&k state, the special status, implementation of instrument of accession conditions and said to continue the fight politically and judiciary.


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