Iran’s response to Israel smart, calculated, calibrated

TEHRAN  :–Describing Iran’s attacks on the Israeli regime as ‘very smart’, Turkish politician believes that Iran said to Tel Aviv, “This is it for now.  If you (Israel) take another step against Iran, our response will be much heavier!”

The Israeli regime attacked Iran’s consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus on April 1. The Israeli aggression led to the destruction of the entire building and the martyrdom and injury of the entire people inside it.

Seven of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) military advisors were martyred following the Israeli attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus on Monday, IRGC said in a statement.

Reacting to the Israeli aggression, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kan’ani on Monday night said that the Islamic Republic of Iran, while reserving its rights to take countermeasures, decides on the type of reaction and punishment of the aggressor.

In response to the Israeli aggression, Iran attacked the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories with a barrage of drones and missiles last night.

The following is the text of an interview with Osman Faruk Logoglu, a Turkish veteran politician and senior member of CHP about the recent Iran-Israel development.

Despite the western countries’ efforts to label Iran’s attacks on Israel as invasion, how do you see Iran’s response to increasing Israeli crimes including attacking Iran’s consulate in Syria based on international law and the UN charter?

“Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria was a flagrant violation of international law and the Vienna Conventions on diplomatic and consular missions.  The attack was a continuation of the crimes being perpetrated against Palestinian civilians. Iran’s response was a calculated, measured, and calibrated answer to Israel’s attack.  Iran said, “This is it for now.  If you (Israel) take another step against Iran, our response will be much heavier!” Iran retaliated but avoided escalation – very smart!

 Iran didn’t target any civilian sites like hospitals, schools and etc , but Israel acted against civilians in Gaza brutally. What is the main reason for these two different behaviors? 

Israel’s actions in Gaza are indefensible and cannot be viewed as the exercise of legitimate self-defense.  I strongly believe that Israel is on the wrong track, hurting its own long-term interests.

What can be the effect of Iran’s attack on increasing Iran’s deterrence power and weakening Israel’s?

Iran made clear that it will not leave attacks against Iranian interests unanswered.  Israel should heed this message.”



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