Resistance Front relying on Iran and its brave leader

TEHRAN, Jun. 29 :– Hezbollah’s Secretary General has said that oppressed nations and Resistance movements are today relying on the Islamic Republic of Iran and its brave and wise Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah made the remarks in a message to the International Congress of Holy Shrine Defenders and Resistance Front Martyrs, which was read by his representative to Iran Abdallah Safi Al-Din as the gathering convened in the city of Mashhad on Saturday.

The Hezbollah chief said that the oppressed nations in the West Asia region are today provided with the opportunity to receive support from the Islamic Republic of Iran and its Leader Ayatollah Khamenei who is at the forefront of defending the Islamic Ummah in the face of arrogant powers and occupiers.

“Today, oppressed nations and resistance movements, after God, rely on this powerful supporter in all fields,” Nasrallah said, adding that the Islamic Republic neither abandons its friends nor does it betray them, rather its great commanders sacrifice their lives in the path of defending the oppressed nations.

He hailed achievements made over the past decades, saying that those achievements have now put “us in the path of the great victory, which is to liberate Palestine from the Zionist occupation and to free the entire region from US hegemony”.

This great victory and the continuation of tireless efforts require more time, he added.



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